How to tell if my tree is in decline, well, trees provide us with important information on the health and safety just by the way the tree looks. Here are a 3 ways on how to tell if my tree is in DECLINE?
Trees can be tricky as sometimes a tree will look very healthy, having lots of leaves and not much deadwood. There may be something happening inside the trunk. The trunk holds up the branches, but if it has a certain type of fungus inside it, it may look strong on the outside but be weakening on the inside. Often, it is impossible to tell if the tree has a fungus inside until a little round piece of wood grows straight out from the trunk. This is called a bracket fungus. This is one way on how to tell if my tree is in decline.
When this happens, if the fungus is a certain type, the tree has to be removed or the trunk might collapse.
Not all bracket fungi are bad though.
Sometime a tree will have lots of deadwood. This usually means the tree’s health is suffering, and more investigation is needed. Sometimes trees like this can be repaired so there is no need to remove the tree. Click here to see what a bracket fungus looks like.
Borers can be found in all types trees. They are only harmful to trees that are not healthy or trees that are under stress. Trees can be under stress for the following reasons:-
Once the tree is under attack of borers they have a natural defence mechanism to fight off the borers. In gum trees they produce a red substance called kino, in wattles they produce gum, figs produce a white milky substance called latex and pines produce resin.
Resin, gum, latex and kino are the 4 most common natural defence mechanisms in trees.
The female adult borer, whether she be a moth, weevil or a beetle, lays her eggs in every tree she can. The eggs hatch into young larvae and start eating the tree, usually in or under the bark. If it is a healthy tree then the tree drowns the insects with kino, gum, latex or resin and that gets rid of the problem.
If the tree is not healthy or under stress and cannot produce enough kino, resin, latex or gum the borers will attack the tree and eventually the tree will die.
There is no treatment for borers. You can try to improve the health of the tree.
Termites, also commonly called White Ants, are not ants at all.
Scientists have classified all life forms into different groups to help identify which organisms are related.
These groups have been given names (usually derived from Greek or Latin) which usually describe some aspect of the animals in the group. While there are many groups for each animal [or plant], the groups called orders distinguish various types of insects.
The group (order) for termites is called Isoptera, and termites are the only member of this order. Ants though, belong to the order Hymenoptera which includes bees and wasps.
This shows termites and ants are not related.
There are some different types of termites, however, those that concern Arborists are Subterranean (underground) and Arboreal (a mud nest in a tree).
Subterranean termites are the most destructive to trees, as they hollow out branches and trunks. They may not be found until a branch falls from a tree. This creates a very high risk potential around areas of high use such as schools. These are the termites which invade and damage houses.
Arboreal termites are not as destructive as subterranean termites, as they build external mud nest which can be seen from the ground. These termites generally feed on decaying plant matter, and are an indicator of a tree’s declining health.
Controlling termites in trees can be difficult, and removing the tree is often the only option.
Using wood chip from a tree infested with subterranean termites can cause a new colony to begin which may damage the owner’s house.
Choosing the right Tree Pruning or Tree Removal company can be tricky. Be prepared, hire a Professional Branch Management Tree Removal company today, so you aren’t caught out at the last minute. Not all Newcastle Arborist’s are the same. At Branch Management we strive to offer you quality, professional and safe Tree Arborist Services Newcastle and surrounding areas with competitive prices. Read more about the 5 ways to save money on Arborist Services within Newcastle.
For information on fertilisers and your gardens.
Trees are important to our environment. Here are some reasons why we need trees!
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