Thank You Everyone | Branch Management

A Big Thank You to Everyone?

It is a team effort to make large jobs finish on time…

School holidays are always busy with tree maintenance within our schools. 30, 40, 50 or more trees to prune or remove to keep our schools safe. There is never a dull moment especially when an already large job is doubled in size within a moments notice.

A big shout out to all the crew who worked exceptionally hard each day this week to complete the job on time. It is always an interesting conversation at the end of the day with the descriptive words used to describe how they feel.

Large jobs with multiple trees allows us to train our climbers on small, medium and large trees depending on their experience. Our trainee climber was able to go from small to medium trees within days as his confidence grew. We always have a crew member as a spotter for each climber to ensure everyone’s safety.

James & Jack our Climbers

James has over 25 years experience with climbing and challenges himself on every job. Not only on getting around a tree but his quoting side to ensure our customers are getting the best possible price for our time on site.

Jack is our trainee climber and everyday getting experience pruning trees. His confidence is growing and with time his speed and knowledge will enable him to be a A grade climber.

Nathan & Owen our Spotters

Nathan & Owen combined have many years experience at helping dismantle trees and being the support to our climbers. It is an art to be able to lower branches without damaging surrounding buildings or people. The use of a friction drum takes the load and helps guide the branches and trunk wood to the ground. Their job is also chipping and removing the debris from the site to ensure a safe work zone.

Stephen our AQF Arborist

Couldn’t do it without the knowledge from Stephen. Always there to help out and explain his determinations. Stephen assesses trees on private properties, schools and commercial properties for heath and safety but also risk management. His knowledge for council rules and legal issues is a credit to him.

Dave our Excavator/Wood Truck provider

For many years Dave has been our reliable trunk wood removal specialist including ripping out rootballs and removing from site. Described as one of the best excavator operators by many, he is quick, reliable and safe. Always up for a chat or 2 or 3 but makes up for that with his work ethic. Always a pleasure.

Ali our Stump Grinding Operator

Nice to have another chick on board and Ali knows her stuff when grinding our stumps.  Quick, efficient and very safe. Always wanting to please and make sure the client is happy at the end of the day. Will go that extra mile to ensure a tidy completion. She nails it with her eye for detail.

So when it comes to big jobs, jobs that make them all stressed and tired, please know that your work is appreciated by me.

For more information on each of these services we provide click here for more

If you are sick of waiting for a tradie click here, we provide professional services all the time.

To identify different species of trees an AQF5 Arborist is your go to person.  Our AQF5 Arborist has years of experience and knows his species. Looking for some pruning tips.

If you have any questions or comments go to or phone: 0419 289 223

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