How do we identify Trees | Branch Management

How do we Identify Trees

Many types of trees grown in gardens look different from one another, and people become familiar with particular species. Frangipani trees (Plumeria acutifolia) look very different to gum trees (Eucalyptus sp. & Corymbia sp.) and are easily identified by their leaves & flowers.  So how do we identify trees?

For example, how do we identify trees, two species of Stringybark trees which look almost identical. This comes down to the leaf size and shape, and the gumnut size and shape. The White Stringybark, Eucalyptus globulus, has gumnuts clustered together on their stem. These fruits have very short individual stems called pedicels.

The Brown Stringybark, E. capitellata, also has gumnuts clustered onto a stem, however, these fruits have no individual stems, and this type of attachment is called sessile.

The shapes of unopened flowers is also a way in which Eucalypts are identified.

If your tree is in decline click here to read about 3 ways to identify your trees decline.

Why do trees have leaves of different shapes and sizes.

Trees (and all plants) have leaves which have evolved to function the best way for the tree’s survival. Trees from hot dry climates such as Australian arid areas have leaves which may hang down. This reduces the amount of leaf surface which is exposed to direct sunlight and helps to keep the leaf cooler. Some Eucalypts have thick leathery leaves which helps reduce the amount of moisture lost through transpiration.

Trees in moist environments such as rainforest areas have larger leaves to make best use of limited sunlight. Larger leaves generally point upwards which funnels water down the stem to the roots. This is important as there is much competition with other plants in crowded rainforests. The leaves of rainforest trees are usually softer to facilitate more water movement through transpiration.

Some rainforest trees may also have compound leaves; many smaller leaflets on a long stem. Leaflets also have a large combined surface area for photosynthesis, but are less likely to be damaged (by wind for example) than a single large leaf.

Trees from cold countries generally have thin needle like leaves or scale like leaves. This shape prevents snow build up which can add large amounts of weight to branches and stems causing breakages. Snow covered leaves also cannot photosynthesise due to blocked light. Many trees from cold areas shed their leaves every autumn and go fully dormant.  How do we identify trees?

To identify different species of trees and AQF5 Arborist is your go to person.  Our AQF5 Arborist has years of experience and knows his species.

You may require some pruning to your trees, for all your pruning needs and free quotes.

If you have any questions or comments go to or phone: 0419 289 223

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